When Helm discovered this plane, he wanted it for himself. A place of peace and prosperity, where no other gods could interfere with his light and power. The plane was only sea and so he began pulling land from beneath the waves to create space to roam. He roamed here for a thousand years and became lonely so he called upon mankind to make their way through the planar divide, across the astral sea, and into the plane, he called Glentry. A word he decided meant harmony.
With the people, came ideas that were outside of Helm’s control and influence. Gods were called upon from other planes of existence and they heard the prayers of their people. Upon being summoned into the lands, they took possession of areas of the continents and islands of the world and blessed or cursed the creatures there, thus, creating greater loyalty to themselves.
Soon, the world was filled with creatures who had no unified loyalty to anything greater than themselves. Each seemed to serve a different god and walk according to the ways of their chosen deity. There were gods who saw pain and suffering as a necessary part of life and those who saw such misery as consequences for misdeeds. Others, still, saw the decisions of mankind as a sort of drama, playing out for the gods’ entertainment. After hundreds of years, the people of the world mixed and learned to live together, without the need to influence each other towards their own ways.
The gods could no longer tell by looking at race or family standing where their allegiance lay. The gods grew displeased with the coexistence of the citizens of Glentry. They placed precious artifacts on the Islands of Torch Key to lure the most greedy and power-driven beings. This started a battle on the Islands and eventually, the gods appeared to the lesser beings, endowing them with powers over elements and supernatural forces to give them an edge over their enemies.
As the battles raged, the gods of the skies raised up Paladins, to defeat their enemies on the Island of Torch Key, Old Port Island, and nearly all of Greater Glentry became a safe realm for those who aligned with the Gods of the skies. Beaverlech and Southern Greater Glentry became a stronghold for all of the races that were considered “evil” by those in Northern Glentry. Infighting between races and the lack of leadership or government caused the inhabitants of the south to be stuck in tribal warfare and rarely venture out of the places the Paladins of the war had sent them.
Thus Greater Glentry sits at peace, not a peace that comes from harmony or prosperity but one of oppression and suppression. Currently, the people of the north live in fear of an invasion from the south and those south of the border live in constant threat from “preemptive” strikes from the battle-starved armies of the north. Yes, there is peace, but it is all but peaceful.

Present Day:
War Veterans struggle to find their place a mere 20 years since the end of the great war. Some came back to Northern Glentry to settle down, find peace, and raise a family. Others struggle to settle the warrior within, those are the ones that make their way to Wild Hill. The town at the border between The Cold Mountains near Lavreth and The Wilds.
The city of Wild Hill remains a place where adventurers come to prove themselves in The Wilds and the heights of the Stone Mountains. Coming from all over Greater Glentry, warriors, mages, fighters, and barbarians come to find work taming the wretched creatures of The Wilds. You can make a good living being hired out to rid the forest and mountains of monsters. If you live to collect your earnings.