“Hiya! I’m Gwen! Will you be my friend?”
Hello there! I’m Ash and will be playing Gwendolyn, the half-elf druid. She may not look friendly, but once you get to know her, she’s got a heart full of kindness.
Providing Our DM does not viciously end you in a cruel twist of fate, what kind of person will we find Gwendolyn to be?
Ash: Gwen may have set out to find her family, but she has a feeling she has already found it here in Wild Hill–and thinks Dale would agree, too. I hope that Gwen can show that she is a confident druid and willing to do anything for her new friends.
How is Gwendolyn similar and different to you?
Ash: Gwen and I are very similar. A bit timid with a dash of curiosity and a lot of confidence. She’s a version of me that I don’t normally let people see very often. The relationship between Gwen and Dale is the actual relationship I have between myself and my dog, Finnegan. You can always find me talking to Finn and waiting for him to respond with his single facial expression. With, of course, the only difference being that my dog is alive and not a taxidermy chipmunk!
Is it easy to roleplay as Gwendolyn?
Ash: Gwen is just an all-around fun character to play with all her awkwardness and curiosity. It makes her somewhat easy to play because I feel like I’m being my truest self. I, Ash, have always had a slight speech impediment. While younger Ash used to be ashamed of it and made fun of for having a lisp, older me has learned to overcome it and have it be apart of who I am. So giving Gwen her own way of speaking felt right and natural.
Any fun or surprising facts about you yourself?
Ash: My husband and I ended up getting scuba certified back in 2017. While we may not be able to venture to the ocean, due to living in the middle of the Ozarks, the moments we have had were amazing. It’s so surreal being 100ft below the water’s surface and having a reef shark just pass you by. Seeing the active and colorful life that happens in the big blue never ceases to amaze me.
What would be the perfect weekend for Gwendolyn? No spoilers.
Ash: Gwen would love to have a nice vegan dinner to celebrate her friendship with her newly discovered friends. She would have to do most of the cooking, though, because Dale is a terrible cook in the fantasy kitchen.