A Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in a unique 5e homebrew world. A mix of rich storytelling, character role play, and comedy.


A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast set in a unique 5e home-brew world. A mix of rich storytelling, character role play, and comedy.

Rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcasts


Meet Gwen

Gwen is the half-elf druid with a friendly demeanor, a passion for The Wilds, and a small, ornery, taxidermied friend. Where did she get this barbarian-like rage?

Meet Davon

Davon is the mysterious sorcerer. He is loyal to his friends, even earning the title of “group therapist.” He seems, however, to have dangerous secrets.

Meet Krigs

Krigsgalder, the war veteran paladin who lost faith in his god, is quick to take the lead. Leadership takes direction, though. Where does Krigs find his direction?

Meet Joxxer

Joxxer is a drunken monk on the run from his own nobility. What he lacks in social grace he makes up for in brew preparation and flanking strategy in battle.

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